Monday, June 7, 2010


I tried my hardest to believe that he had maybe made a change and is not the jerk that he use to be but i guess I was wrong. Now it doesn't bother me not one bit when Zahree father disappoints me but when he does it to my son it rubs me wrong. I hate making excuses for people and especially him but to save whatever relationship my son has with his father I figure i got to do what I got to do.

Thursday Moe was suppose to come get Zaharee as soon as he got out of school,  being that my son knew this he was on pins and needles all day with excitement that he could spend more than a day and a half with his father and his new sibling.I thought everything was going to run smoothly being that so far his father hadn't failed him yet but I watched that come to a tragic close starting with Thursday.  Zaharee sat in that window for hours waiting to see his fathers blue car pull up so he could spend the remaining of the week with him.  I couldn't drag him away from that spot. he wouldn't leave to eat, watch TV or to see DMV when he came over. At one point I watched my lil 4 year say a prayer that his father showed up and soon. So after countless hours of waiting I finally got him away from that window and into bed..a sad moment I would have to say to see my son so heart broken.  No phone call, email, text, or Morris code from his father explaining anything about what was going on. So I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and go with maybe an emergency came about and he just couldn';t make it..yep that what I wanted to believe. Around 2am in the morning my phone begins to ring off the hook and look who it was Moe's with more than enough excuses on why he couldn't make it..none of them I believed but to ease my son's pain I explained it all to him in the morning and how his father was coming Friday night to pick him up. Friday came and once again my son sits in the window for hours looking and waiting for his father...and nothing!  I call him no answer..I try again and this time the phone picks up and all I hear is giggling, and loud music...Oh really?..Finally around 11pm when my son was well placed in his bed after crying himself to death..Moe calls with the 'yeah, so I had to work late" I wanted to leap through the phone and strangle his ass for calling me hours later with this Bs excuse and for the fact that his ass had no idea he but called me and I knew the truth. I declined him to opportunity to come and get Zaharee on Saturday because he had broke my son's hard one to many times in two day and of course he called me every bitch he could think of but so be it I just couldn't bare another day of my son being so heart broken and staring out that window. I'm so torn about what my next move should be with this whole i just chop this up as him just having bad judgement this one time or him being the Moe I know and doing what he does best giving out empty promises....


Kingsmomma said...

My heart goes out to you and your son. This is a delicate situation and I don't really know how you should handle it. I want to say maybe you should drop him over there but it isn't fair to you and secondly you shouldn't have to force your son on anyone.
I don't know but I hope he grows up before your son grows up hating him.

P.S. Make sure you keep a journal for your son.

Monique said...

this post really brought tears to my eyes because I can feel your pain. As a single mother as well this is one of my biggest fears: my son's father disappointing him. I just don't know how I would deal with it because I too have been disappointed by him before well. You keep your head up and push through that pain for your son. Let him see you smile and know that you are always there for him.