Wednesday, May 5, 2010

That is exactly how i feel about this whole workout thing. When I first started this Teddy and I were doing very well going to the gym every other day and changing our food habits reading upon vitamins we needed to take we was so sincere but yeah I figured out today that I'm all about the new clothes and shoes and not the whole workout thing.   I only want to get my workout on to put on whatever cute outfit that I have found to workout in, target is the best at that! Shout them out real quick.  I go to the gym and do just about nothing just prance around in my skin tight pants and shirts and swing my cute ponytail around.  I'm a sad case I really want to be serious about this staying healthy thing I just can't bring myself to do it.  Today I suited up in the cutest black and gold outfit and heading to the gym so i thought. I stopped at least a thousand times to do a thousand different things......I shopped, ate, shopped, and then finally pulled in the gym parking lot which i never made it in,got side tracked by the furniture store and now I'm laying across my bed, blogging and shit.  And I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look pretty damn cute lol..I was serious about this whole gym thing a couple of days last week but that was just because DMV was here and he is all about running and shit so that's what I did run in the cutest outfit I could find.  I thought  I was going to die there with that fool who wanted me to run 4 miles...I faked the hell out of that being in shape I paid the place when I hit the house I spent my Saturday trying to get right from the day before.  This week is almost over so it is no hope for me to start on this health kick...I have already made plans for the time I set aside for the gym *hang head in shame* so next week I plan to get oh so serious about this and stop trying to be cute and do this for real........................................................................................................................................................................................................I hope!

1 comment:

Epitome said...

I haaaaaaate working out...well I did. Last week I decided to start jogging around my neighborhood at night (at like 9:00/10:00 which all the men in my life are none to happy about) and which is about a mile from front to back...and I love it! Me, my slacker radio on my blackberry and thr night. I pretend I'm in scary movies....make up dance moves...model walk and all types of other foolishness and I never wanna come back in the house! I became a white girl who loves to run overnight smh

And shoutout to target for providing me with all types of cute workout clothes in my favorite colors: coral and black!