Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can You Hear Me

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing off the hook with my girl Keylowlow( I have no idea why I call that) sitting on the other end. I had a moment of hesitation about answering for her because although I love her like a fat kid loves cake I'm over her and all the so called man drama she is so called having. I usually entertain all her I think he's cheating, he doesn't take me out anymore bs if she only gave me the same attention when I call her with my new bucket of drama or just because I want to talk to my bff since elementary school.
Of course I pick up the phone because I know Key to damn well and that hagg will keep calling until I answered especially since she know I'm laid up In Atl with Que. I sat for 45 minutes and listened to her yell, scream and cry about the most stupid and childish situation concerning her boyfriend.  Her boyfriend who is a great man, with a job, degree, no kids and a good head on his shoulders but some reason Key is always trying to find something wrong with him. I know more than a few women including myself who would stand in the longest line to get ourselves one of those  and sometimes I doesn't think Key realizes what a good man she has.  Week after Week I listen to her last installment of  Why did I become his Girlfriend? with her playing the lead actress role. I listen to her make something out of nothing and threaten to leave him yet again  and her proceeding to tell me she didn't have this problem when she was with her ex who let me inform you is ain't bout shit. But like an supportive friend I sit back and listen and ever so often adding in my yeah girl and i feel you moment just so she knows I"m there. Once She has finish her venting moment I offer my view point which I know she never takes but I offer because thats what friends are for and when I think its my turn to talk or even discuss what on my mind she gone. just like that i'll open my mouth to speak and like clock worth she says " Jaz , Let me call you back!" and *click*  yep thats how it goes each and every time no time for me but I have unlimited time for her.  I want the same feeling that I give her undivided attention even when i'm busy and understanding her even when I don't understand but as of the last 8 months or so she hasn't even called me just  to say all her phone calls are filled with stories about her and boo. I just want a moment to enlighten her on whats good with me and maybe spit on advice my way but looks like I'm riding down a one way street.


Ms. Jones said...

Having friends like that suck. I would suggest doing it right back to her. If she calls you, Kanye her and be like "I'mma let you finish in a minute, but let me tell you...." and then have to go all of a sudden after you're done. Or, call her, monopolize the convo and tell her your going into a tunnel. lol

Epitome said...

I have a friend like that...actually a few. I'm always there to listen and then as soon as my open my mouth "I gotta go girl" frustrates the living hell outta me. And they never call back until they have another situation...**sigh** I fel your pain girly

★Starrla said...

Tell her she needs to stop looking for something when she's not prepared for what she WILL find. Dag, just let this good man be great! I'm STILL at the back of the line waiting on mine.