Thursday, April 8, 2010

I don't get it...

I just don't get females not all of us just some with what they do and say. Like really when are you going to put on your big girl panties and see the light.

For the past 2 weeks i have been getting this same number phone at these random ass times of the day 11:00am, 9pm, 3:45am all the calls have been coming from this one number. At first I thought hey maybe its an business call and work related but not 3am it ain't nobody talking about work. So today after much debate and endless phone calls from this number i pick up thinking maybe its just someone with wrong number and i need tell them so they can give me and Troy(my BB) a break.

The first time i answered its nothing but breathing on the okay now we doing this hang up and they call back ..I pick up and nothing but breathing again so i hang up and just like before they call me right back..I pick up and say can i help you and thats when it started. A females voice spoke with other famles in the back encouraging her to continue on with her foolishness.  She finally gets to talking about who, what, when and how of who i am and why my number was in her man phone...**straight face**  Why oh why are you calling me asking all the things you should be asking whatever boyfriends you are referring to. I listen for awhile with her rant about how her and him(who i didn't even know or remember for that much) are happy and don't need me coming around trying to ruin the happy home they have and how I must be ugly if i have to chase someone else's man oh and i can't forget the waiting to exhale moment and adding there two cents in via the was just comedy.  Once she became silent I realized it was my time to talk and i simply said I have no idea who Tony is and my number its passed around often because i'm in the real estate business so maybe you should be talking to Tony about this whole situation and after i thought about it for a minute....I do know Tony....he's doing a business deal with my father and I  so that exactly why Tony would have my number...smh...I wanted to jump through the phone a slap her right in the back of the head for all her stupidity...I just don't get it sometimes Why do some females do these type of things? Why didn't she just check with him first before calling my phone embarrassing him and herself with all this non sense about why u calling my man. And if i was the other woman Why would you think i would tell you anything about anything with him and I?  Maybe I've just never been the type of  female who jumps the gun in situations like that....You need to investigate before you go on a head hunting spree on contacting all the females he is socializing with...How is that going to solve anything that is going on at that time. and why u mad at the female...why not take ur beef to the man who is out here doing the trickin'...I just don't get it


sunshinestar110 said...

Its just one of those things we shall never get...maybe because i have never been one of those females and why would u want to be it makes you look stupid at the end not him...*kanye shrug*

Epitome said...

The actions of little girls surrounded by other little girls raised by insecure women who taught them that doing stupid shit like that was okay. Sad really. If you a woman about yours you go to your man first and foremost. If you bad enough to go through his phone you should be bad enough to question him about it. Females kill me with that, don't blame the other chick unless you KNOW she's disrespecting your always hit up the man first.

★Starrla said...

Amen and Amen!!!! I've always said the beef should NEVER be with the chick unles she knows you personally! Isn't dude YOUR man?! Ignorant chicks I swear....