Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Once again its just me and my boo Terri  (my blackberry) sitting together always like we are joined at the hip. Watching all of these people walk in and out of these door...sometimes i wonder who will make back to see the next visit and who will have gone on to a better place.  I despise these day more and more every time I'm here, its like can smell death in the air.  Chemotherapy has become a way of life for me over the past 20 years...I have been here many times with My grandmother, Aunt and now my mother once again. I was around 6 years old when my mother had to explain to me what breast cancer was and why my grandmother who we call Nay was so sick and tired. I watched her go from this upbeat southern belle to me not even recognizing who she was. She won that battle but by the time i was 15  my Mother, Aunt and Nay were fighting the same battle all at the same time, so this waiting room is just second nature to me.  Nay's elling body couldn't fight the battle with cancer anymore and she passed away on my 16th birthday..10 minutes before my sweet sixteen party was about to start. I knew that morning as i visited with her that it was going to be the last moment we shared together on god's green earth and i had come to terms with that. Nay alway made sure us grandkiddies as she would say was prepared for that faithful day and that we were. As for my mother's Twin she only had to fight that cancer battle one time..thank god and has since been cancer free for almost 11 yrs and counting. My mother on the other hand wasn't so lucky  she's battling breast cancer once again for the third in and day out i watch my mother's weak frame try to keep everything as normal as possible for us especailly for my little brother who is off in college in  whole another time zone. She doesn't like all that hoopla surrounding her she would rather we never talk about it but how can we not it has been apart of us for so long. The last time my mother embarked on this journey i was 20 yrs old and a junior at HU.....she didn't want me nor my brother who off at FAMU to worry about her so she held off as long as she could about telling us. I thought my mother was going to die....her cancer became a little bit more aggressive and she was losing her fight.  The day before her last round of chemo i sat in this very spot, in this room and prayed to God, Allah, Buddha and whoever else was listening not to take my mother away so soon and i guess my prayers were heard by them all because she went to remission. Now we are back hear again fight this once again....i already prayed to all the god once again for the sacrifice of my mother and just letting her stay with us a little while longer she hasn't been here long enough. I don't know if they heard my prayers this time but shall soon find out in a couple of months when this all come to an end....

I'll keep u posted

1 comment:

sunshinestar110 said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your grandmother and she is looking upon you r mother and aunt casting her prayer onto them.

its all in god's hand now..and your mother will stay in my prayers along wit your Aunt