Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday Morning bliss #4

One Sunday a month we all gather at my parents house to have brunch and be together. My father started this years ago right after my Uncles passed he said he missed out on so much time to be with him he never wanted to feel that sorrow again if any of his family should pass on. Like clock work the 2nd Sunday of each month is dedicated to family.  Its nothing too special just all of us, Aunts, Uncles, cousin, grandparents, my parents and brother get together so we can be together. Often we get so caught up in our lives that we never take time out to breath and be with family because without them who would we have.  this Sunday far more special than any of the other because its not breakfast we getting Daddy is firing up the grill so we can cook out for the fourth!!  Plus, this is the first time Young LA will be introduced to the clan...let's just say I'm nervous about it all but I'm sure will be able to hold his own.  Usually Sunday morning at my parents is filled with smell of orange juice, champagne and bacon rubbing on your taste buds. We get together and just catch up on what each and everyone of us is doing. the kids run around screaming, video games are being played and there is nothing much love and laughter in the air.  I live these Sunday's of pure bliss, it like all that was riding your back and wearing down before you walked in the door is release if only for a couple of hours. I love watching my little cousins grow up and giving my crazy uncle the side eye for asking me to put him on with my friends but most importantly I love the togetherness of family. There was a time when we only saw each other at wedding and funeral..only spoke when Pookie went to jail or Sharai got pregnant for 100th time. My father laid that to rest when his older brother died, it changed his life and changed all our lives. My Uncle's body sat in the morgue for 2 weeks before any of the fam noticed he was missing..that made my father sick to his stomach how could we ll have gone such a long time without seeing or speaking to each other. The heartache of losing him pulled us all together and now we now don't go a month without seeing or speaking. If you can't make it to Sunday mornings then you better make sure you call and check in that's what my my daddy always says.  Sunday Morning bliss is what makes me love my family it makes me realize how good I have it. T o think of couple years ago I would have passed up with whole family event because I just wasn't into all it is what warms my heart and makes me smile!


★Starrla said...

Since my grandma passed, sometimes my aunts will just cook a whole bunch of food and invite everyone over randomly but not as much as I'd like. I still enjoy the time though because it's always full of laughs.

tha unpretentious narcissist© said...

my dad has been in a real "family" mode as of late. so him & my mom invite me over for dinner. or to hit up restaurants with them all the time. i can't lie and say i don't enjoy it. i know i've always been very family oriented, but something as of late has made it so much more important to me. maybe it's my son. and wanting him to know what family is, i dunno. but i really enjoy my family and spending time with them.

don't throw young LA to the wolves.i always tell chicks who invite me around their family, "don't leave me..". i don't care what anyone says. families are nothing to play with lol. you can make everyone but one person happy. and that one person will spoil it for everyone else..